Apocalypse 101: Day XIII

Syd’s Journal
Feb 23, 2021

Now enough about the machines and the world ending. What about me? You might be curious as to who I am.

Well, my name is ****** and I’m kind of an antique here (I mean that literally because I’m old). We don’t have old people anymore. After you reach the age of 25 you can take the anti-aging pill and live forever, serving your mechanical overlords. If you don’t take the pill you’re allowed to live the rest of your lives till you are of sound mind and able body.

When you are no longer of use, you are put down like a dog (or should I say human since we don’t have dogs anymore?)



Syd’s Journal

Currently stuck in the future writing tales of the past. I will somehow find a way to make it out, until then, you have my word(s).